What does B1A4 stand for?

B1A4 is stand for  One Blood Type B, Four Blood Type A / Be the One, All for One.

What are B1A4 fans called?

B1A4  fans are called BANA(s) or 바나 in hangeul. BA represents B1A4 while NA represents the fans. When they’re put together, it means ‘we have fallen for each other’ which is  반하다 in hangeul. So basically it means B1A4 has fallen for their fans or the other way round.

What is B1A4’s official fancolour?

Pastel Apple Lime

What is the address for mailing fan letters/goods to B1A4?

서울특별시 마포구 월드컵로 15길 8

WM엔터타인먼트 (Mapo-gu, World Cup 15 Road called ‘DaeMyung Tower Building’)

Does B1A4 has twitter account?

Jinyoung | CNU | Sandeul | Baro | Gongchan

One thought on “FAQ

  1. Hi I just want to know do u think B1A4 will come to MAMA 2014?

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