Fan: My love, my love, please open up your heart. I’ve been tired of waiting. It’s hard, but so that I won’t fall~~!!!!! Send me a mention~~~~ ❤ #SOLODAY

Sandeul: Hold my hand~ hehe #SOLODAY

Fan: Even if there are finger horns I’ll still mention to oppa #SOLODAY

Sandeul: Compliment me!!!!!! ❤  But you have to be careful of fingers~?? Hehe. So nice~ pat pat~ hehe #SOLODAY

Fan: I want to eat pizzaㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ🍕🍕🍕 #SOLODAY

Sandeul: No, no!! Honestly I also…ha, hot!! Very hot! #SOLODAY

Fan: Oppa, did you know that duck makes really delicious food?? #SOLODAY

Sandeul: What??? … #SOLODAY

Fan: Goodnight oppa! Sweet dreams! 🙂 #SOLODAY

Sandeul: Thank you goodnight~!! #SOLODAY♥

[t/n: this tweet was in English]

Fan: Oppa, it’s bene a long time. Please call my name! If you say Hanbyeol, give a heart as a service! Oppa, I’ll do my best with golf, fighting!

Sandeul: I really like that you’re going to do your best hehe Hanbyeol♥ #SOLODAY

Fan: Oppa, oppa today at school I was boasting about the comeback!! I did well, right??? #SOLODAY

Sandeul: Euhaha cute~!! You did well~!! Pat pat!! Truly welcome, sealed with a bang~ #SOLODAY

Fan: Where did oppa go? #SOLODAY

Sandeul: I’m right here~!! Not going, not going anywhere~♥ #SOLODAY

Fan: Where is Lee Junghwan’s charming point.. #b1a4’s #soloday

Sandeul: Well let’s cheer~ Where did it go?? Hmm~? Find me~!! Hehe #SOLODAY

Fan: Come to think of it, it seems like Deul-oppa isn’t on the internet #SOLODAY

Sandeul: That’s not…it’s not that.. keke I’m doing it like this~!! Hehe #SOLODAY

Fan: Sheesh… Jinyoung-oppa is a genius composer who stole my heart. He doesn’t see my mentions. You’re right… @_jinyoung911118 I’m #SOLODAY

Sandeul: Why are you telling me? Hehe #SOLODAY

[t/n: so like when Jinyoung actually does get mentioned in another person’s tweet he doesn’t answer it, haha]

Fan: Oh for it being so late, you shouldn’t be on twitter~! #SOLODAY

Sandeul: Be done!! Why?? Asd;livn~!! #SOLODAY

[t/n: I’m just going to take that thing at the end that Sandeul wrote as resembling mad typing]

Fan: Please answer me back once!!! #SOLODAY I love you!!!

Sandeul: Me too, me too, me too!! I love you~!! Hehe #SOLODAY

Fan: Hoo…Two years ago when I was in my first year of high school, I drew a fan art!! How is it? #SOLODAY !!

Sandeul: Wah… it’s pretty!! Thank you ㅠ You really drew it well hehe #SOLODAY

Fan: #SOLODAY There’s no such thing as being incredibly fortunate for me… I feel that even more through this… I’m not lucky…ㅠㅜㅜㅜ

Sandeul: That’s not it~!! I see this~ ta-dah~!! Hehe #SOLODAY

Fan: I’m continuously sending this. Oppa’s answer will come, right? ㅠㅠㅠㅠ When will it come #SOLODAY

Sandeul: It’ll come sometime~?? Hehe. It’s now~~?? Hehe

Fan: I got dumped today by five people… #SOLODAY I’m off…

Sandeul: No! An error~?? You?? It’s an error?? Hehehe #SOLODAY

Fan: S-Sandeul-oppa..I think J-Jinyoung-oppa dumped me ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ He’s an impenetrable manㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ #SOLODAY

Sandeul: Then… Hehe. Nice to meet you~!! I’ll hit Jinyoung-ie-hyung!! #SOLODAY

Fan: Oppa, if I send this, will you answer me? ㅠㅠㅜㅠㅠㅠㅠ

Sandeul: Keke well then~!!  Amazing!! Jjakjjakjjak!! #SOLODAY

[t/n: the fan sent in a picture of her facebook page]

Fan: I’ve sent oppa over one hundred mentions #SOLODAY

Sandeul: Wah, thank you~!! Hehe. Listen to SOLODAY a lot. Hehe #SOLODAY

Fan: Oppa, when the battery runs down, I’m going to go to sleep when it’s 4%. It’s a big problem… #SOLODAY

Sandeul: Hing…I’ve come before that happens~!! Hehe. Go down slowly~!! Hehe #SOLODAY

Fan: Sandeul-oppa, the speed of you answering mentions is the best, it’s the fastest! I feel like it’s a good sign! #SOLODAY

Sandeul: Tu-dung! Isn’t it? It’s a good sign !! Hehe. I’m fast, fast haha!! Sleep well goodnight~ hehe #SOLODAY

Fan: It’s alright if oppa doesn’t respond to me. Right now in my hands is a hamburger, it’s the most delicious (yet I’ll be waiting for a reply) #SOLODAY

Sandeul: Don’t eat too much at night, it’s not good for you (even so, I’m drooling) #SOLODAY

Fan: Do your finger hurts? Are you alright? My gums hurt right now… #SOLODAY

Sandeul: Ah! Aya, don’t do it ㅠㅠ Hoo~~ Get better quickly!! Bang!! #SOLODAY

Fan: Oppa, I love you. Please say ‘Seoin-ah, sleep well’ once… please ㅜㅜㅜ I want see the first time and receive the last reply.. #B1A4 #SOLODAY

Sandeul: Seoin-ah, sleep well~ Maybe it’s not the last one~ ㅠㅠ #SOLODAY

Fan: Lee Sandeul has received a mention that has been sent by Dae Gyeongnim #SOLODAY

Sandeul: Dae Gyeongnim sent a mention to be received by Lee Sandeul?? They did. Keke #SOLODAY

Fan: Oppa, can’t you say the words ‘I like you, Yoonseo-yah’ ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ? I’m known as Sandeul’s wife ㅠㅜㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ? #SOLODAY

Sandeul: I like you, Yoonseo-yah~ Hehe. Sleep well~!! #SOLODAY

Fan: Oppaㅠㅠ If oppa receives my mention then I’ll become first place throughout the entire school ㅜㅜ Just one last time. The first and lastㅜ #SOLODAY

Sandeul: Have strength, the future says you’ll be first in school!! Fighting fighting!! #SOLODAY

Fan: 💞💞💞 Sandeul-oppa is very handsomeㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ 💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞 #SOLODAY

Sandeul: Of course~!! Thank you, sleep well~ #SOLODAY

Fan: If I don’t receive a mention today it seems I won’t be able to receive a mention foreverㅠ Sandeul-ah, listen to my lifestime wishㅠ With you, like this, trying to have a conversation, is my wishㅠ Lee Sandeul is the best, I love youㅠ Thank you for being the handsomest in the world~ Heuheuk~ #SOLODAY

[t/n: I don’t believe Sandeul responded, he just retweeted it]

Fan: When will you answer my mentionㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ Sandeul-oppa say yeah~~~~~~~~ #SOLODAY

Sandeul: The best say yeah~ Sleep well hehe. It’s too late, sleep well !! Hehe #SOLODAY


Sandeul: Everyone~~!! Hehe. I had a really fun time today hehe. Sleep well everyone~ Sleep while listening tour song ~ Hehe #SOLODAY


cr: BANASubbers

please take out with full credits!


Fan: Sexy duck or handsome duck? #SOLODAY

Sandeul: look at me~ I’m handsome duck~!!

[t/n: this tweet was in English]

Sandeul: Leg lift lift

[t/n: what the fan originally wrote isn’t there anymore]

Fan: Keep fighting oppa. I will support you. I love your foice. It’s fantasticcc >_<

Sandeul: I love you too and thank you for your support~ ♥

[t/n: this tweet was also in English]

Fan: I’m going to cry if you don’t reply 😦 #SOLODAY

Sandeul: don’t cry~ because I’m replying~!! Thank you haha

[t/n: this tweet was also in English]

Fan: I love the eating you

Sandeul: I like to eat, I also love you hehe

Fan: I’m eating rice right now. Is oppa eating again? ♡

Sandeul: I’m not~ I don’t eat again, I also just ateㅠㅠ Honestly~!! Hehe #SOLODAY

Fan: Your smile and your eating appearance is very good #SOLODAY

Sandeul: Thank you~ hehe I’ll eat a lot ~ hehe :)euhahaha #SOLODAY

Fan: #Are you Well prepared only for me???

Sandeul: Now there’s not much time left~ Wait a little longer~ hehe

Fan: I’m looking at the full moon! #SOLODAY #B1A4

Sandeul: Wa, we’re looking at the same sky!! Hehe #SOLODAY

Fan: I came home earlier to see friend Sandeul ke. 3 ducks hehe. Wah~~it’s cute~~!! Hehe. I miss you ㅠㅠ #SOLODAY

[t/n: um…I don’t think this has a reply to it? If it does then I actually don’t know what it is, haha. I can’t really tell his apart, like what a fan wrote compared to what he responded, very well]

Fan: In #B1A4 oppa is a charming member, how do you feel? #SOLODAY

Sandeul: I’m feeling extremely good~?? Is it Channie on the picture?? Hehe #SOLODAY

[t/n: I have no idea what picture he’s talking about]

Fan: I’m working hard so the other oppas can answer me. what is oppa doing? ㅠㅠㅠ #SOLODAY #B1A4

Sandeul: I’m doing this~~!! Hehe Nice to meet you hehe #SOLODAY

Fan: do you miss singapore’s chili crab? Please come back soon ^^

Sandeul: Oh I miss singapore’s chili crab!! I’ll be back

[t/n: this was tweeted in English]


Sandeul: I miss you too~!! I’ll be there soon ~ plz wait!!

[t/n: this was also tweeted in English. I find it funny that he knows the shortened form of please]

Fan: Oppa is the best when singingㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ♥♥ Perfectly Sandeul-nim. Good looking, good looking, good looking! ♥ #SOLODAY

Sandeul: Heuheu~!! Thank you hehe. Confidence explosion~!! Aja aja!! #SOLODAY

Fan: Oppa…Say “Hi” to Indonesian BANA please ㅠㅠㅠ #SOLODAY

Sandeul: Hi~~! Indonesian BANA! I miss you guys~stay cool~ #SOLODAY

[t/n: this was also in English]

Fan: Like that my mention to Jinyoung-ssi and Sandeul-ie must’ve been eaten…. I’ll really cryㅠㅠㅠ still #SOLODAY

Sandeul: Energized Haera♥ fighting fighting !! Even for BANAs fighting, thank you hehe #SOLODAY

Fan: For the past 45 minutes I thought of a few hundred but no one has repliedㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ#SOLODAY

Sandeul: Heok!! That many~?? I’m sorry~!! Still in this I do ttwat!! #SOLODAY

Fan: #B1A4 #SOLODAY If oppa doesn’t answer to my mention I’ll go eat chicken feet~~~~~

Sandeul: Heok!! Chicken feet?? Chicken feet?? I think chicken feet are delicious… hehe. Enjoy them~!! Hehe #SOLODAY

Fan: I’m a Thailand fanㅠᆢㅠ I hope you will come often to Thailand #SOLODAY

Sandeul: Hello!! Hehe. We’ll definitely meet again in Thailand~!! Hehe. #SOLODAY

Fan: DO YOU LOVE ME? O-O hehehehehe #SOLODAY

Sandeul: Hehehehehe WHAT DO YOU THINK??

[t/n: this was written in English]

Fan: I’m Japanese and am working hard to study Korean! Do you like Japan? #SOLODAY

Sandeul:       Wow, a bunch of good luck to you! Have strength for the future, aja aja fighting!! #SOLODAY

Fan: Oppa, this time that I’m going to go see you I studied hard for my exams!!! Eventually my mom and dad ended up bettingㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ Still my scores had gone up! Please congratulate me #B1A4 5959~

Sandeul: Congratulations~!! Hehe #SOLODAY

Fan: Stupid stupid stupid, stupid for only knowing you. I’m sleep today so I should sleep early, but I can’t get away! Show love to me♡ #SOLODAY

Sandeul: Stupid stupid stupid~ merong~ sleep well ~ >.<

Fan: Our house has a calendar matching oppa in our house. Kekekekekekekekekeke July is oppa’s day kekekekeke (5 posts) #SOLODAY

Sandeul: Hot!! July, ah~ don’t go!! #SOLODAY

Fan: Do u miss Thai Bana? When u come back to Thailand I really want You lol #SOLODAY

Sandeul: I’m always in your ♥ #SOLODAY

Fan: You’re bad, as soon as it was ten o’clock I kept sending them ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ No one replied ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ I don’t like everyoneㅠㅠㅠㅠ Everyone is bad #SOLODAY

Sandeul: No, no~ You can’t not like us~~ Hehe. I’m the best right?? Hehe #SOLODAY

Fan: Oppa.. this is my present keke #SOLODAY

Sandeul: Wah~ Refershing!! ㅠㅠ I’m going to eat it messily~!! Hehe #SOLODAY

[t/n: the fan sent him a picture of a watermelon]

Fan: I’m going to go… (a long face) #SOLODAY

Sandeul: ㅠ.ㅜ Pat pat~ No, don’t have a long face~ㅠ

Fan: If oppa really replies I’m going to forever be solo without a care hehe #SOLODAY

Sandeul: Hmm?? Really?? Hehe #SOLODAY

Fans: Perhaps you didn’t see the mention I had about the small key, it’s not like that, right….#SOLODAY

Sandeul: It’s not, it’s not~!! I looked at it well!! Hehe #SOLODAY

Fan: Hearts made with hair #SOLODAY

Sandeul: Wah…somehow awesome…*

[t/n: the fan sent in a picture of their hair in hearts]

Fan: No one is really answering me ㅠㅠㅠㅠ I want oppa to receive my mentionㅠㅠ #SOLODAY ㅠㅠㅠㅜ-ㅜㅠㅠ I, even now, hear the song

Sandeul: Thank you. I’ll listen to it well #SOLODAY

Fan: Do you Love BANA ? or FOOD #SOLODAY


Fan: Now I go to sleep… I can’t do anything about my mentions not being answered, I’m going to shower and go to bed! Lee Junghwan, sleep well~ #SOLODAY

Sandeul: Sleep well~ Check this reply tomorrow morning~ euheuheu~!! #SOLODAY

Fan: Since oppa didn’t answer me, I’m also going to go into the bagㅠㅠI’ll get goingㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

Sandeul: Wah did you draw that?? Hehe. It’s cute, don’t go ~ hehe #SOLODAY

[t/n: the fan sent in a picture of a person going into a trash bag]

Fan: Oppa!!!!!!!!! ㅜㅠㅠ Oppa ㅜㅜㅠㅜㅜㅠ Oppaㅜㅜㅜㅠ Ah, I’m really annoyed… eh… Solo solo day, I’m feeling depressed today, don’t bother me #B1A4 #SOLODAY

Sandeul: Huh..sorry #SOLODAY

Fan: ㅠㅠAh…it’s going to get buried like thisㅠㅠ #B1A4 #SOLODAY

Sandeul: It’s not~!! It wasn’t burried~!! Hehe #SOLODAY

Fan: Noona is still not yet asleep kekekekeke. When will you answer Sandeul-ah.. #B1A4 #SOLODAY

Sandeul: Noona, too, quickly go to sleep, hehe. I’m still not sleep yet !! Who told you that?? Hehe #SOLODAY

Fan: I ask that you show warm love and care for me #SOLODAY

Sandeul: Guingguing kuingkuing ~ ♥ #SOLODAY

[t/n: it’s like aegyo sounds I think]

Fan: Solo Day is the best, even #B1A4 is the best 💕. Today I’ll work really hard to listen to the song!!! Please praise me

Sandeul: So nice~ #B1A4

[t/n: the fan also had a picture of a cartoon with a bunch of hearts]


cr: BANASubbers

please take out with full credits!


Fan: Jinyoung-oppa keke. Today I sent oppa 582 mentions~ I’ll stop for now my wrist hurts!! Anyway since he’s cold I’ll sleep. Bye. ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

Jinyoung: I’m not a bad person like that ㅜ kekeke #SOLODAY

Fan: 2pm is calling. I’m getting tired of waiting Jinyoung-oppa. ㅠㅠㅠㅠ♡If you call my name once I’ll sleep

Jinyoung: Sumin-ie, hi~~^ ^ #SOLODAY

[t/n: this next one isn’t even actually a mention, he must’ve just searched his name]

Fan: Jung Jinyoung really…ha…tantalizing

Jinyoung: I’m a tantalizing guy … #SOLODAY

Fan: Jinyoung-oppa, you’re really really not going to look here??? I don’t feel like coming back…rumble… ♥

Jinyoung: I’ve seen it here~~~^^ #SOLODAY

Fan: Cry, Jinyoung 💕 hmm! Really keep asking me about a boyfriend~ Right now I’m #SOLODAY…hmm 😿 #SOLODAY

Jinyoung: You’re not hiding a boyfriend, right~~~?? #SOLODAY

Fan: In the case that I get an answer from Jinyoung-oppa I’ll go to a concert 🙏#SOLODAY Please answer me once!! Please ㅠㅠ I love #SOLODAY!!!!!

Jinyoung: Quickly come kekeke come on come on~~~ #SOLODAY

Fan: Q. Jinyoung-oppa, if you see Jung Woo’s mention, what would you do? #SOLODAY

Jinyoung: Um…I’ll answer the mention kekekekeke #SOLODAY

Fan: Wa…oppa is bad. Is that not it? But for the past hour the phone has just be sitting there. At once it would catch the eyes. Jinyoung-oppa…ㅠㅠ really #SOLODAY

Jinyoung: Sorry, sorry ㅜ I’ve come hehe. Don’t be sad #SOLODAY

[t/n: wow, yet another reply that’s not a mention. Sneaky Jung Jinyoung not even looking at his mentions]

Fan: Jinyoung-oppa!!!!!!!!!!!! I turned off the cell phone. A quick goodnight~ Just one word ㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ I’ll wait for it #SOLODAY

Jinyoung: Hyemin-ya sleep well~~~~~ ♡#SOLODAY

Fan: Jinyoung-oppa, I’m really going to cry ㅠ Please tell Yoogyeong goodnight once ㅠ I’m really sleepy ㅠ #SOLODAY

Jinyoung: Our Yoogyeong-ie, sleep well goodnight~~ ♡ #SOLODAY

[t/n: they also sent him a fan taken picture of himself]

Fan: Jinyoung-oppa you ditched me. But now, I don’t see any hope. With my mention… I ask of you to say ‘Minji-ya, I love you ♡’ just once. I’ll wait for it. I want to listen to #SOLODAY 😢

Jinyoung: Minji-ya, I love you~~ #SOLODAY

Fan: Because Jinyoung-ie doesn’t answer me, I’ll flirt with Ban Jiha 😫😫😫

Jinyoung: Kekeke That person isn’t bad~~? Kekeke #SOLODAY

[t/n: Ban Jiha is Jinyoung’s character in ‘Miss Granny’ and the fan also sent in a screenshot from the movie of his face]

Fan: Jinyoung-oppa… Please call my name just once!!!!!ㅜㅜ!! #SOLODAY

Jinyoung: Seyoon-ie, hi~~^^ #SOLODAY

Fan: Jinyoung-oppa, my hand..ㅠㅠㅠㅠ It hurts a lot ㅠㅠ Please call one word of my name ㅠㅠ #SOLODAY

Jinyoung: Heok the picture of the hand.. keke Chaeyeon-ie, nice to meet you~~^^ #SOLODAY

[t/n: the person also attached a picture of their hand]


Jinyoung: Everyone, today was a really joyful time hehe. I think I’ll have good dreams hehe. Everyone sleep well goodnight~~^^ #SOLODAY


cr: BANASubbers

please take out with full credits!


Fan: Oppa…I want to change my name… It’s right here Jinyoung. This, honestly, means unable go over love’s wall. Even when I see it I feel sick.

Jinyoung: Why~ It’s nice~? #SOLODAY

Fan: Jinyoung’s beautiful good looks that can’t be compared with others

Jinyoung: Hahahahahahaha…. #SOLODAY

[t/n: the fan sent a picture from Match Up when Jinyoung had the makeup on his face]

[t/n: this is a mention for Sandeul]

Fan: Since no one responds, I’m going to go to sleep. I’m going to trade Jinyoung-oppa! ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ #SOLODAY

Jinyoung: I hate trades ㅜㅜ Sleep well goodnight hehe #SOLODAY

Fan:  It’s an emergency situation, B1A4 Leader Jung Jinyoung is causing endangerment to BANAs by answering their mentions #SOLODAY

Jinyoung: What is going on over!!! #SOLODAY

Fan: Korean…I don’t know…Jinyoung-oppa~~~~~~~~~

Jinyoung: You did well, though…..? #SOLODAY

Fan: In a dream, 24 year old Jung Jinyoung wanted to find a person! #SOLODAY If he goes, will he be able to find it?

Jinyoung: It’s just right here~~^^ #SOLODAY

Fan: Jinyoung-oppa…. Oppa is too erotic (shy)

Jinyoung: Why is this….?????? Keke #SOLODAY

[t/n: the fan also added a gif of Hyunwoo kissing Jinyoung on the cheek]

Fan: I’m going to get mad!!!!!! Jinyoung where are you #SOLODAY

Jinyoung: I’m here ㅜㅜ Don’t get mad ㅜ #SOLODAY

Fan: If I receive Jinyoung-oppa’s tweet~ I’ll be alright if I’m #SOLODAY forever~

Jinyoung: That would really be alright…? Kekeke #SOLODAY

Fan: Jinyoung-goon, I also want you to receive my mentions… how can I make you choose to receive mineㅠㅠ #SOLODAY Please let me know

Jinyoung: Chosen~~!! Hello~~^^ Nice to meet you~~ #SOLODAY

Fan: Jinyoung-oppa, I really truly cannot express oppa with words. Even with all of the best words in the universe #SOLODAY

Jinyoung: Please tell me all of the best words in the universe

Fan: I’ll be solo forever and so will Mr. Jinyoung, let’s all be solo

Jinyoung: One day a good relationship will come, fighting ~~~~ #SOLODAY

Fan: If I receive a mention from Jinyoung-oppa then I’ll be #SOLODAY forever!!!!

Jinyoung: What should I do….i sent a mention…..kekeke #SOLODAY

Fan: #SOLODAY Ah…ah…

Jinyoung: Uh…eo…huh….ack??? Eh…huh…

[t/n: the fan sent some picture of Jinyoung’s face over a cartoon’s face receiving gold]

Fan: I don’t seem to be receiving Jung Jinyoung’s tweet. Right. It’s hard to get Jung Jinyoung’s tweets. Jung Jinyoung Jun Jinyoung Jung Jinyoung Jun Jinyoung Jung Jinyoung Jun Jinyoung Jung Jinyoung Jun Jinyoung. If you mention me I’ll call you oppa ♥ keke

Jinyoung: One isn’t going to be hard hehehe

Fan: Jinyoung-ie, I miss you #SOLODAY

Jinyoung: Me, too ㅜ I miss you #SOLODAY

Fan: Stupid Jinyoung-ie #SOLODAY

Jinyoung: …..? #SOLODAY

Fan: Jinyoung-oppa, I’ll have escaped from my solo when you send me a mention. Hehe #B1A4 #SOLODAY

Jinyoung: Break out~!!!!!!!!!!!! #SOLODAY

Fan: ★ If Jung Jinyoung replies to my mention I’ll escape #SOLODAY ★

Jinyoung: Escape Solo Day~~~~~~~?????? #SOLODAY

Fan: It’s hard to have Jinyoung-oppa receive my mentionㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ #SOLODAY

Jinyoung: It’s not hard kekeke Hi~~ #SOLODAY

Fan: Wa, I want to meet Jinyoung-ie. What would it feel like to meet Jinyoung-ie by chance hehe #SOLODAY

Jinyoung: Ah…..kekeke #SOLODAY

Fan: I’m crying because of Jinyoung-ie not receiving my mentionㅠㅠ

Jinyoung: You should be happy because I answered you~~^^ #SOLODAY

[t/n: this is a Baro mention. Seriously, how does he find this stuff within like the thousands of mentions and retweets and favorites he’s got?]

Fan: Baro-oppa, please shoot Jinyoung-oppa ㅠㅠ

Jinyoung: …….????? #SOLODAY

[t/n: they also sent a picture of Baro with the alien tracker (ray gun?) from the Solo Day MV]

Fan: Jinyoung-oppa please do a ‘Siyeon-ah fighting’! If you do it once, I think I’ll really work hard on studyingㅠ #SOLODAY

Jinyoung: Our Siyeon-ah, fighting~~~~^^ #SOLODAY

Fan: #SOLODAY Jinyoung-ie seems to wants to escape the solo day

Jinyoung: I guess…..I’m an okay person~~~#SOLODAY

Fan: Jinyoung-oppa kekekeke #B1A4 #SOLODAY


[t/n: the fan sent in a picture of Jinyoung-oppa trending on twitter]

Fan: Jinyoung-oppa, I won’t see another boy group. Quickly take me away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jinyoung: Come here~~~~!!^^ #SOLODAY

[t/n: really Jung Jinyoung? You got another fan who mentioned Baro and not you? :P]

Fan: Eongeongeongeong Baro-oppa… hold onto Jinyoung-oppa. I spent almost one hour sending mentions and there’s nothing… Look at my weeping ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ #SOLODAY

Jinyoung: I’ll look at it once ^^ #SOLODAY

Fan: Jinyoung-oppa the moment you see this mention I’ll turn into the super saiyan!! Please call for Jaeri, please say ‘Jaeri is pretty’ 0_<

Jinyoung: Jaeri is pretty~~^ #SOLODAY

[t/n: super saiyan is apparently like the blonde Goku in Dragonball Z? I’m not sure…]

[t/n: at least Baro and Jinyoung were both mentioned in this one, so Jinyoung doesn’t seem like a creeper :P]

Fan: Jinyoung-oppa it’s difficult to receive an answer ㅠㅠㅜ Please say ‘Yejin-ah, I love you’ once. I’ll also say oppa I love youㅠㅜㅠㅜㅠㅜㅠㅜ

Jinyoung: Yejin-ie, I love you~~^^#SOLODAY

Fan: Since Jinyoung-ie isn’t answering my mentions I’ll just stream #SOLODAYㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅜㅠㅠㅠㅜㅠㅠ

Jinyoung: I better not answer the mention well…. kekekeke

[t/n: they sent a picture of them listening to Solo Day]

Fan: #SOLODAY Jinyoung-oppa! My composer fan oppa is a true fan, could you sent him a message to work hard??? My friend’s name is Sunhee. I ask of youㅠ~~~!!!!

Jinyoung: Sunhee-nim, fighting always hehe~~

Fan: Jinyoung-oppa, can you send ‘Jugyeong-ah, I love you’? ㅠㅠ I was working hard sending messages since ten o’clockㅠㅠ

Jinyoung: Our Jugyeong-ie, I love you~~? #SOLODAY

Fan: Jinyoung-ah, do you like hard and dry ramen or do you like cooked ramen? #SOLODAY

Jinyoung: I like hard and dry… hehe #SOLODAY

[t/n: now it’s a Gongchan mention, haha]

Fan: Me. Jinyoung-oppa and Sandeul-oppa are too much… Oppa can’t call my name just once ㅠㅠㅠ I’ll only be able to sleep then… #SOLODAY

Jinyoung: Sihyeon-ie, hi~~~~~~^^ #SOLODAY

Fan: Fan service like this is nice. To Mr. Jinyoung looking sad and lonely like this. You shouldn’t be like that. Why is receiving a reply so hard!!!! #SOLODAY

Jinyoung: I must be a person~~^^ It’s not hard keke #SOLODAY

Fan: When are you going to change your profile picture hehe. Change it right now with a handsomer picture of Jinyoung-oppa. Kekekeke #SOLODAY

Jinyoung: I seem like a star right now..? ㅜ #SOLODAY

Fan: It’s not hard…it’s completely hard… I’ve sent many mentions up until now…I didn’t get anything…I also want to become a lucky girl Jinyoung-ah ㅠㅠㅠㅠ #SOLODAY

Jinyoung: Lucky girl~~~!!! Hehehe Nice to meet you #SOLODAY

Fan: Jinyoung has a lot of popularity among noonas…. I don’t see any dongsaengs… #SOLODAY

Jinyoung: I see it all, though~~~~~?~??????? kekekeke #SOLODAY

Fan: Jinyoung-oppa #SOLODAY It seems like it’s the end. No one has answered my mention…. I received wounds…. I have to bear it until the end….

Jinyoung: It doesn’t look like the end~~~~~ #SOLODAY

Fan: It is a Solo Day since Jinyoung-ie has not received my mentions. I’ll just sleep and sleep keke ㅠㅠ #SOLODAY Sleep well goodnight ♥

Jinyoung: Don’t be sad since I’ve come ㅜ #SOLODAY

Fan: I’ve sent…129 I believe…129 times. I’ve sent them to Chan-oppa…hm.. kekeke Still, if you call Myungjoo-yah~ ♡ I’ll call for oppa!!! Yes sir!!!! #SOLODAY

Jinyoung: Our Myungjoo-yah~~ ♡ #SOLODAY

Fan: My first love Jinyoung-oppa has not answered. What would the response be at this time?

Jinyoung: I see you’ve waited for one more second~~ #SOLODAY


cr: BANASubbers

please take out with full credits!


Fan: Jinyoung-oppa…

Jinyoung: This person……

[t/n: it’s a picture of Jinyoung when he was eating chicken, but the picture is in his mouth and his mouth is open, haha]

Fan: Are my tweets delicious? What type of taste do they have? Are they as warm as Jung Jinyoung’s heart? #SOLODAY

Jinyoung: It’s a letter taste…….. hehehehehehe #SOLODAY

Fan: A BANA who is waiting for an answer is having a painful suffering.. I’ll have an energy charge with Jung Jinyoung’s answer! ★

Jinyoung: Let’s charge, fighting~~~!!! #SOLODAY

[t/n: this time it’s a mention for Baro he answers, really, how does he find these?]

Fan: Sunwoo-oppa~ Jinyoung-oppa isn’t answer meㅠㅜ Oppa also isn’t goin to? (Begging) In the future I’ll hate Jinyoung-oppa. Hm!Chit!Pung! #SOLODAY

Jinyoung: You’ll hate me??? ㅜㅜ Unbelievable…ㅜ #SOLODAY

Fan: Let’s lift the heavy Jinyoung!!!

Jinyoung: Aigoo-yah…give me that… #SOLODAY

[t/n: this fan sent a drawing of a girl lifting a heart]

Fan: Pretty Jinyoung-oppa~♥

Jinyoung: Eh hey……….. #SOLODAY

[t/n: this fan sent a picture of Jinyoung in like the middle of a laugh or something]

Fan: My value is 1118 points. If Jung Jinyoung (B1A4 leader, 24 years old) receives my mention once #SOLODAY Must I turn at number 1118? Please tell me the method…

Jinyoung:     Um…what should I do..??

Fan: Jung Jinyoung-nim~ if you don’t respond to my mention I’ll send a ghost~~~ #SOLODAY

Jinyoung:     Oh that can’t happen…..

Fan: #SOLODAY #SOLODAY #SOLODAY I to the five people, Jinyoung-oppa, Dongwoo-oppa, Junghwan-oppa, Sunwoo-oppa, Chanshik-oppa, break up with all of them, all five. #SOLODAY

Jinyoung: Don’t break up~~~!!

Fan: ㅠㅜㅜㅜㅠㅜㅠㅜㅠㅜJinyoung-ahㅠㅜㅜㅠㅠdo you see?ㅠㅜㅜㅠㅜYou leaving-ㅠㅜㅠㅠI hear about itㅠㅜㅜㅠㅜㅠㅠOhㅜㅠㅜㅠㅠ#SOLODAY

Jinyoung: I see you ㅜㅜ kekekekekekeke

Fan: Kekekekekekekekekekekeke. Jinyoung-oppa you have a reason to be funny in whatever you do kekekekekekekeke. Ah, cute ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ kekekekekekekekekekekekeke cue ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ nerdy nerdy ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

Jinyoung: What’s so funny ㅜㅜ #SOLODAY

Fan: Jinyoung-ah Jinyoung-ah Jinyoung-ah Jinyoung-ah Jinyoung-ah Jinyoung-ah Jinyoung-ah Jinyoung-ah Jinyoung-ah Jinyoung-ah Jinyoung-ah Jinyoung-ah Jinyoung-ah Jinyoung-ah Jinyoung-ah Jinyoung-ah Jinyoung-ah Jinyoung-ah I called… ☆

Jinyoung: Why why why why why why why say it #SOLODAY

Fan: Jinyoung-oppa, really just once ㅜㅠㅠㅠ… Really please…just one heart ㅠㅠㅠㅠ #SOLODAY

Jinyoung: Then two hearts ♡ ♡ #SOLODAY

Fan: Jinyoung-oppa~ it’s me again again again again 😄 I’m a Hong Kong BANA… Perhaps if you see my message you can answer me. Oppa 😢😢 I love you~

Jinyoung: Nice to meet you~~^^ Come and play in South Korea hehe~ #SOLODAY

Fan: Jinyoung-oppa… I’ll always call Jinyoung-oppa even until death…. I’ll always love you, even today ㅠㅠ If you don’t receive my message I’ll cry, it sounds like a joyful dream come true. I’ll stop bothering!! #Solo day

Jinyoung: You’re not botheringㅜㅜ keke #SOLODAY

Fan: I call for you Jung Jinyoung but there’s no answer…… ★ Where did you get to #SOLODAY

Jinyoung: Right here~~~~~~~ #SOLODAY

Fan: #SOLODAY Jinyoung I’m sad now. Can you please say that you love Yeo Nonga once? I sent about ten mentions right now. Jinyoung, the procedure is clear to youㅇㅇ

Jinyoung: Yeo Nonga, I love you~~ #SOLODAY

Fan: I call for Jung Jinyoung Jinyoung Jinyoung Jinyoung. Please answer noona’s mention as well oppa #SOLODAY

Jinyoung: More than me who is the dongsaeng, who is the noona…? Kekekekeke #SOLODAY

Fan: Today (as well) (thanks to Jinyoung-oppa) I’m happy

Jinyoung: Really~~~^^?? Thanks~ ♡ #SOLODAY

[t/n: this fan sent a screencap of the second niconico broadcast where Jinyoung was teaching the phrase ‘I’m happy today’]

Fan: Jinyoung-ah must be busy. I’m sorry for this request, but could you give me ten hearts… #SOLODAY

Jinyoung: ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡+♡ It’s ten plus one~ keke #SOLODAY

Fan: Jinyoung-oppaㅜㅜㅜ I’ll cry ㅜㅜ Answer me quicklyㅜㅠㅠㅠ #SOLODAY

Jinyoung: Don’t cry ㅜㅜ Then I’ll also be sad #SOLODAY

Fan: I’m going to give up after I send this one….ㅜㅜ Jinyoung-oppa… can you send me a heart once… ♥

Jinyoung: ♡♡♡ Three instead of one keke #SOLODAY

Fan: Jinyoung stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid… Why aren’t you responding to me..ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ #SOLODAY

Jinyoung: I’m not stupid stupid stupid ㅜㅜ ~~~ #SOLODAY

Fan: Jinyoung-oppa ㅜㅜㅠ Why aren’t you receiving my mention.. Of course, you wouldn’t see a lot..? Tears, I think of that ㅠ Ha…I don’t want to spend the week depressed ㅠㅠ Please… If oppa even gives one dot I think I’ll be happy for a yeaㅠ

Jinyoung: Be happy~^^

Fan: Jinyoung-ah, I want to sleep now ㅠㅠㅠㅠ Please answer me quickly, I’m tired..

Jinyoung: Hehe I’ve arrived~~^^ Sleep tight, goodnight~~^^ #SOLODAY

[t/n: this is a tweet for CNU, but they also mentioned Jinyoung in it]

Fan: I sent Jinyoung-oppa a lot of posts.. I think oppa didn’t receive any…ㅠㅠㅠ #soloday

Jinyoung: I see it~~^^ It’s late, quickly go to sleep~~ ♡ #SOLODAY

Fan: There is Jung Jinyoung, an attractive oppa? Please respond to my mention…. Just my name once #SOLODAY

Jinyoung: Attractive to you..? Hehe. Thank you Daeun-ssi~~ #SOLODAY

Fan: Deupty Jinyoung… Are you discarding what I send… you’re too much ㅠㅠ Oppa did wrong ㅠㅜ #SOLODAY

Jinyoung: What am I to send? ㅜㅜ #SOLODAY

Fan: I’m cheating because of Jinyoung. I keep drinking a glass of water!!!! Keke #SOLODAY

Jinyoung: Sleepy sleepy dizzy dizzy acting silly~~ #SOLODAY

[t/n: he responded with part of the lyrics for ‘A Glass of Water,’ the song on their album]

Fan: Ah, I’ll notify Mr. Jung Jinyoung. Once you see this mention, please send a message saying ‘Seo Yoona goodnight~♥’ Mr. Jung Jinyoung please send a mention saying ‘Seo Yoona goodnight~♥’

Jinyoung: Seo Yoona goodnight~♡ #SOLODAY

Fan: If Jinyoung-oppa answers my mention I think I’ll be happy until the day I die..

Jinyoung: Happiness is the best~~^^♡ #SOLODAY

Fan: Let me oppa~ #SOLODAY Oppa I’ll definitely wait until the morning… You can’t cry~ you can’t cry~ Grandpa Jinyoung doesn’t give presents to crying children~♩♪

Jinyoung: If you cry my heart gets weak ㅜ #SOLODAY

[t/n: she typed the Korean version of ‘Santa Clause is Coming to Town’ and changed Santa to Jinyoung]

Fan: …send….one….to…..me…..ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ😭 Call a slightly different nameㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ Only today I’ve tried many times ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ It’s been one hundred times ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

Jinyoung: Jiyoon-ie, if you’re tired quickly go to sleep~~^^ Goodnight #SOLODAY

Fan: Jinyoung-ah~~~ Jinyoung-ah~~~ Why aren’t you receiving my mention~~~ㅠㅠㅠ Please answer me~~~ㅠㅠㅠㅠ #SOLODAY

Jinyoung: I saw it right now hehe. Hello~^^ #SOLODAY

Fan: Kekekeke. Even when he was young Jinyoung-oppa was handsome #SOLODAY

Jinyoung: Kekekekekekekekekekekeke…….. #SOLODAY

[t/n: the fan sent in a picture of a young Jinyoung in front of a computer]

Fan: Mr. Jung Jinyoung, since when have you been so good looking?.. #SOLODAY Coming out from behind the album..? Since debut..? No way…since you were born?!!!

Jinyoung: Hehe. I’m embarrassed….. #SOLODAY


cr: BANASubbers

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Fan: Jinyoung-oppa! This album is #SOLODAY so will the next album be COUPLE DAY?? Hehe ♡

Jinyoung: Indeed what will the next album be~~??? Kekeke

Fan: Jinyoung-gun ♡ On Christmas Eve a sudden breakup came. From that day I’ve been sending away the days alone. #SOLODAY ㅠ.ㅠ

Jinyoung: That occasion is ㅜ (t/n: like sad, I’m assuming) Watch Home Alone #soloday

[t/n: he really means the movie, I believe]

Fan: Jung Jinyoung’s mentions are expensive ㅠ.ㅠ Noona will be in her late 20s next year. If you only give a cool heart to me, I’ll be your fan forever! #SOLODAY

Jinyoung: Take it!!!!!~~~ ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡

Fan: Jinyoung-oppa, does your mother still send Ginseng Extract? Hehehehehehe ♡♡

Jinyoung: I think she gave up…..hehe

Fan:  Jung Jinyoung, are you wearing two different colored socks?

Jinyoung: Hehehe ……painful past…

[t/n: this one is actually a Sandeul mention, but they probably previously mentioned Jinyoung and Baro by the looks of it]

Fan: No one answers my mentions…even Jinyoung-oppa…even Sunwoo-oppa…

Jinyoung: Hehehe. So that why I’ve come~~^^ Nice to meet you^^

Fan: A map to Jung Jinyoung is? Hehehe #SOLODAY

Jinyoung: Useless

Fan:   Jinyoung-ah what is between 3gwija and 5gwija? #B1A4 #SOLODAY I love you more today than I did yesterday ♡

Jinyoung: You knowingly deceived me kekekeke sagwija~~~ #SOLODAY

[t/n: It’s like a play on words since 4gwija would be sagwija, what Jinyoung replied, which sounds like  ‘let’s date’ in Korean]

Fan: Looking for a 24-year-old Mr. Jung Jinyoung to give me an answer

Jinyoung: You were looking for me~~~ Nice to meet you kekeke

Fan: Jinyoung-oppa, later when I’m older I’ll be oppa’s guide to go to interviews. What do you think about it?

Jinyoung: It won’t be easy…??????? I’m sure the process will be difficult….. #SOLODAY

Fan: Alone time to Jinyoung is? #SOLODAY #B1A4

Jinyoung: I hate alone time~~~ I saw the clock go back~~~ #SOLODAY

Fan: Jinyoung-ie…where did my question go..? Kekeke I’ll wait forever?~~~

Jinyoung: It came here~~^^ Nice to meet you #SOLODAY

Fan: A comeback to Jinyoung-oppa is~???

Jinyoung: A nervous but exciting happiness?

Fan: Jinyoung-ah, also respond to noona~~~~ I fell into your eyes

Jinyoung: If you fall into the eyes it’ll hurt ㅜ ㅜ Hehe Nice to meet you^^ #SOLODAY

Fan: I keep only looking at my phone. My eyes are going to hurt, Jinyoung-ah. Hehe. I had a curious question but no one answered my question… #SOLODAY #B1A4

Jinyoung: Eyes, don’t hurt ㅜ What was your curious question~?? #SOLODAY

Fan: It ate my mention for Jinyoung-oppa. The result is I’m going to leave…!! I’m going to leave oppa’s side hehe #SOLODAY

Jinyoung: You’re well placed next to my side~~^^ #SOLODAY

Fan: Jinyoung-ah. You don’t answer my mentions. Noona just likes you a lot. That’s it ^^ #soloday

Jinyoung: I’ll give you an answer~~~ Hello keke #SOLODAY

Fan: A nervous Jinyoung is better than waiting for a delivery. I’ll look forward to hearing from oppa hehe

Jinyoung: The excitement of waiting for a delivery.. I also know that….. #SOLODAY

Fan: Jung Jinyoung-nim’s analysis results concludes with him only liking noona fans

Jinyoung: I like them all, though~~?? Don’t get mad~~~ hehe #SOLODAY

Fan: Jinyoung-oppa please send me at least one heart #SOLODAY

Jinyoung: Bang~~! ♡ #SOLODAY

Fan: Jinyoung-ah…Jinyoung-ah…I call for you… I call for #SOLODAY… I miss you so much that I call for you…

Jinyoung: I also miss you ㅜ ㅜ A quick look #SOLODAY

Fan: Jinyoung-oppa, you must not like me..ㅠ

Jinyoung: Don’t come to that conclusion!.. I like you~~ #SOLODAY

Fan:   Thanks to you I like Mr. Jung Jinyoung a lot more than my boyfriend #SOLODAY Take responsibility!!!!!!!! ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅜㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ #B1A4

Jinyoung: Oh…what should I do ㅜ ㅜ You should love both hehe #SOLODAY

[t/n: this is another mention for Sandeul that Jinyoung answers]

Fan: Deul-oppa, Jinyoung-opa won’t answer me ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ There’s nothing up until this point. If you don’t answer me it seems like I’m tacky..#SOLODAY

Jinyoung: Jinyoung-oppa is not a bad person~~~ I’m sorry~~^^ #SOLODAY

Fan: Jinyoung-oppa…….Jinyoung-oppa…..where did you go………are you reading my mentions…..ㅠ #SOLODAY

Jinyoung: I’m reading it right now~ keke Hi hi~~ #SOLODAY

Fan: Jinyoung-oppa, it seems like you’ve been blocked ㅠㅅㅠ… I am truly solo for Solo Day! #SOLODAY

Jinyoung: Why am I blocked? It’s been a long time~~^^

Fan: Ah…I’m really enviousㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅠ-Jinyoung-oppa please reply!!!!

Jinyoung: I’m looking~~~ kekeke. Have you been well~~~? #SOLODAY

Fan: Era it-3-since there’s no answer I’ll go watch the TV!! Jinyoung-oppa, handsome silly fool I understand well… No, I just like you ♡#SOLODAY

Jinyoung: I’m scared… ㅜ ㅜ kekeke #SOLODAY

Fan: Jinyoung-oppa, it’s not true that my countless mentions went to the recycle bin…if you see it answer over~~ㅜ-ㅜ

Jinyoung: This isn’t in the recycle bin… Kekekekekekeke. Answer over #SOLODAY

Fan: Jinyoung-oppa, I honestly love you. Can you accept this heart? Thank you for always giving us wonderful songs! I really love B1A4. #B1A4 #SOLODAY

Jinyoung: Me too, me too, I love you~~^^ #SOLODAY

Fan: I miss you Jinyoung-oppa…Can you please send me one picture…? (Desperate) #SOLODAY

Jinyoung: I uh uh uh um ~!!! #SOLODAY

Fan: Answer me Jung Jinyoung

Jinyoung: Answer over over over~ #SOLODAY

Fan: I miss you Jinyoung-oppa ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ Please answer my mention ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ I’m Chaewon, please call my nameㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ I love youㅠㅠㅠㅠ ♡ ♡♡♡♡

Jinyoung: Chaewon-ie, hi~??^^ #SOLODAY

[t/n: this is yet another mention for Sandeul, haha]

Fan: Deul-oppa ㅜㅜ Baro-oppa and Jinyoung-oppa haven’t received itㅜㅜㅜ😫

Jinyoung: Oh my, oh my, did I do that~?? #SOLODAY

Fan: Oppa, are you here??? ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ Are you only not replying to my mentions? You don’t like me…I see…Oppa I don’t like you either..#SOLODAY Everyone is awesome besides Jinyoung-oppa—!! Joking~ hehe. Oppa what should I do if you hate me? Kekekekekekekeke. My love  ♡♡♡♡

Jinyoung: Only looking at the next topic, I almost got annoyed……


cr: BANASubbers

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[TRANS] B1A4’s Interview for Genie Music

Q. Please talk about how you feel about having come back.
Jinyoung: Hello. I am B1A4’s Jinyoung. B1A4’s 5th mini album SOLO DAY has been released. Because the fans have waited for us, we worked on this album with excitement and the hope to show everyone a better side to us. Please look forward to our stage as we have worked hard on preparing it.
Sandeul: It’s a comeback we’ve been looking forward to, so I’m excited and nervous. But I know that the fans will love this album, so we worked hard. Please give it a lot of love ㅎㅎ
CNU: Thank you to the fans who waited for us through this short yet long period of time. As much as you guys have waited, we will show you our hardworking side.
Baro: Even though I’m nervous everytime we release a new album, I think I am more excited to let everyone hear our new music. I want to greet and thank the fans who are always cheering for us, and hearing to B1A4’s music. And I want to hurry meet our fans.
Gongchan: I’m so curious as to what reaction will everyone have upon listening to SOLO DAY, and I’m excited. I’m so happy at the thought of being able to spend this humid summer with everyone.

Q. Please talk about SOLO DAY.
Jinyoung: If our previous album titled WHO AM I was an album that allowed us to look back on the direction of our music and position since debut, we worked on this album with the mindset of fulfilling another of our dreams. The title song SOLO DAY is a pop song with a country feel, and has a overall refreshing sound from the use of guitar. I think it’s the perfect song to listen to in summertime.
CNU: When I first saw the title, I immediately thought that it was a song for all the single people with no other half. But it doesn’t exactly mean that. I think it’s a song for the lonely people in the world – those who have broken up with their other half, or for some reason are feeling lonely. I hope you listen to it with a broader mindset.
Sandeul: That’s right. I hope SOLO DAY becomes a new date to celebrate. It’s a song that is filled with B1A4’s positivity. It will make you hum along to it, so I hope everyone who listens to this song will only be met with happy things.
Baro: And in this album we included a variety of song genres that we had not tried before. There are songs that are refreshing and suitable for summer time, so please listen to all the songs without missing any one of them.
Gongchan: If you listen to the album from beginning to end, you will probably think that it is music that is good to listen to in summer time. I hope you will spend this humid summer with B1A4’s music no matter where you go.

Q. I heard that the B1A4 members personally worked on this album. Which songs did you participate in?
CNU: We worked on all the songs in this album. I am really happy to be able to continue to show everyone our (musical) style. Following up from SEOUL and DRUNK ON MUSIC in our 2nd full length album, I participated in the song DRIVE from this album.
Baro: All the songs in this album were composed, penned and produced by us. Jinyoung and CNU hyung composed and wrote lyrics, while I helped in writing lyrics. We tried to show everyone B1A4’s variety so I hope you listen to all the songs.
Jinyoung: Not just composition and lyric writing, the members were all involved in this starting from recording till the end. When recording, we direct each other and talk about the song. The production process is very enjoyable. There is no song that hasn’t been touched by the members, so please give them a lot of love.

Q. An interesting episode that happened while working on this album?
Jinyoung: It’s not an interesting episode, but at the last filming of our music video, a camera fell into the pool. I recall we were all worried and nervous about all the content we had filmed would all disappear. The camera was also expensive so the mood at the filming location was very tense. But thankfully the camera was alright and I think the music video came out nicely.
CNU: There is a rap that Baro wrote for DRIVE, but there was something lacking about it so I recall we used a different rap when recording. In the end we fixed it with the original rap, but because of it Baro had to go through some difficulties. But thanks to it, I think a better end product was achieved and everyone was satisfied.
Sandeul: There is a scene which we filmed with a puppy. Jinyoung hyung had a scene with the puppy. As if they agreed upon it, both of them turned their heads in the same direction when a pretty lady walked past. I think that was the most interesting and amazing episode.
Baro: It was a first for us to film our music video in USA. We loved the sunlight in the desert and the bench, so we would soak up in the sun whenever we could and ended up getting so tanned. I think this summer will be a summer where I will have a healthy bronze tan.
Gongchan: I had a carefree vagabond concept, so I filmed with a hairpiece in vintage clothes. During a break of our filming, I was leaning against a streetlight. 2 foreigners walked past me and gave me $2.

Q. You seem to be very busy recently, Baro. Did you encounter any difficults while working on the album?
Sandeul: He’s the kind who would stay up overnight to do what he needs to do. So I think he worked on the album without much difficulties.
Gongchan: I thought ‘as expected of Baro hyung’, whenever I saw him work on the album whenever he had time.
CNU: He’s always lifting the mood wherever he is, so he is B1A4’s energizer. Should I say that he’s very praiseworthy?
Baro: The members always make up for the things I’m lacking of in twice the amount, so I always feel very assured. I just wanted to tell them that I am very proud and thankful for them always doing their best in their individual enviroments.

Q. What does B1A4 want to show everyone through this album?
Jinyoung: I want to show everyone us maturing a little bit more with every album, and the wide variety of music B1A4 seeks to make. So I hope many people will become happier listening to our music.
CNU: I want to be a group that people will look forward to seeing the future. I want to meet the anticipation that people who listen to our music have that we will improve bit by bit, and make music that will make people anticipate our next album.
Sandeul: I want to show everyone the positive energy of B1A4, and a musical style that belongs solely to us through participation of composing and writing in all of our songs.
Baro: I want to show off a different charm to us each time, while giving off a friendly feeling through a variety of songs.
Gongchan: I want the people who listen to our music think that we are idols with different sides to us, and become a group that leaves a lasting memory.

Q. What music does B1A4 enjoy listening to usually?
Jinyoung: Michael Jackson’s Love Never Felt So Good. I really like the lyrics. When I listen to it, it feels like I’m right about to fall in love.
CNU: Not long ago Robin Thicke released a new album, and I enjoy listening to it. I also search for latest news about Mariah Carey.
Sandeul: It’s different for me time to time, but recently I am enjoying a song by the name of Somo-Ride.
Baro: I want to recommend David Guetta’s Shot Me Down!
Gongchan: I am enjoying Pentatonix’s album recently. They are a mixed acapella group. Please listen to their album ‘ptx. vol.2’.

Source: GENIE
Translation Credits: skipfire.tistory.com
Please remove all translations with full credits to source and translator.

[ENG/TRANS] B1A4 5th Mini Album – You ft. Sunmi Lyrics

Hangul Version

mad sexy cool
찰랑거리는 머리
너는 mad sexy girl
부담된다면 sorry
It’s alright It’s alright
오늘만은 It’s alright
이제 내게 다가와 얼른
내 품으로 안겨요
baby 123 이제 시작할까요
사랑은 준비가 필요하지 않아요
baby 321 끝내지는 말아요 lady
오늘 함께 있어요
You woo woo hoo
it’s you woo woo hoo
난 너만 있으면 돼
너만 있으면 돼
You woo woo hoo
it’s you woo woo hoo
난 너만 있으면 돼
나를 쳐다보는
나를 향하는 눈빛
그래 나 너에게 빠졌어
하루 종일 네 생각
내 어깨에 기대 잠을 자는
네 모습 pretty
너무 예뻐너무 멋져서 Oh
baby 123 이제 시작할까요
사랑은 준비가 필요하지 않아요
baby 321 끝내지는 말아요 lady
오늘 함께 있어요
You woo woo hoo
it’s you woo woo hoo
난 너만 있으면 돼
너만 있으면 돼
You woo woo hoo
it’s you woo woo hoo
난 너만 있으면 돼
쉽지만은 않겠죠 힘들 때도 있겠죠
사랑이란게 그렇잖아요
나는 기도해요 너무 착한 그댄
영원히 행복하기만을
바래 바래 바래
나는 두렵지 않아요 그댈 믿어요
함께라면 우린 뭐든 할 수 있겠죠
You woo woo hoo
it’s you woo woo hoo
이제는 새로 생길 행복들
You woo woo hoo
it’s you woo woo hoo
이렇게 그대는
나와 함께 느끼면 돼
You woo woo hoo
it’s you woo woo hoo
난 너만 있으면 돼
너만 있으면 돼
You woo woo hoo
it’s you woo woo hoo
난 너만 있으면 돼
난 너만 있으면 돼

English Version

Mad sexy cool
Your wavy hair
You’re mad sexy girl
If it made you uncomfortable sorry
It’s alright it’s alright
Only for today it’s alright
Come to me now
Come into my arms

Baby 123 shall we begin
Love needs no preparations
Baby 321 it’s not finished yet lady
Let’s stay together today

You woo woo hoo
it’s you woo woo hoo
Everything will be fine as long as I have you
As long as I have you
You woo woo hoo
it’s you woo woo hoo
Everything will be fine as long as I have you

When you looked at me
When you looked in my direction
Yes I fell for you
Thinking of you all the time
Fast asleep on my shoulders
You look pretty
So pretty so cool oh

Baby 123 shall we begin
Love needs no preparations
Baby 321 it’s not finished yet lady
Let’s stay together today

You woo woo hoo
It’s you woo woo hoo
Everything will be fine as long as I have you
As long as I have you
You woo woo hoo
It’s you woo woo hoo
Everything will be fine as long as I have you

It’s not going to be easy
There will be difficult times too
That is love
I will pray for you
That the kind you will always be
Happy happy happy
I’m not afraid I trust you
As long as we’re together we’ll overcome anything

You woo woo hoo
it’s you woo woo hoo
This newfound happiness
You woo woo hoo
it’s you woo woo hoo
Just like this
As long as you feel it too
You woo woo hoo
it’s you woo woo hoo
Everything will be fine as long as I have you
As long as I have you
You woo woo hoo
it’s you woo woo hoo
Everything will be fine as long as I have you
As long as I have you

Source: http://www.melon.com/song/detail.htm?songId=4743086
Translation Credits: @joycebana
Please repost with full credits to source and translator.

[ENG/TRANS] B1A4 5th Mini Album – 물한잔 (A GLASS OF WATER) LYRICS Lyrics

Hangul Version

뚜루뚜루 yoohoo
뚜루뚜루 yoohoo
바쁘고 힘든 하루가 이렇게
시작이 돼요
오 지치고 지쳤지 치일 대로
치이고 치였지
이제 버티는 것도 한계 소용없어
에너지드링크 한 개
또 빙빙빙 도는 내 머리 아직도
잔뜩 밀린
일에 getting stress
두 손 놔버려 이젠 됐어
everybody 손을 위로 주먹을 꽉 쥐고
모든걸 다 털고 시원하게 들이켜 물
everybody 손을 위로
두 손을 쫙 피고
모든걸 다 잊고 들이켜봐 물 한잔
나른나른 어질어질 해롱해롱대
몸을 가눌 수가 없어 이거 왜 이래
나른나른 어질어질 해롱해롱대
뚜루 뚜루루뚜 루루뚜
뚜루 뚜루루뚜 루루뚜
woo woo woo woo woo
woo woo woo woo woo
오늘 하루만 그 때로 돌아갈 수만
변하지 않는 세상살이 살기
힘들지만 난 봤지
저 멀리 wonderful world 지금
필요한 건 물 한잔
나른나른 어질어질 해롱해롱대
몸을 가눌 수가 없어 이거 왜이래
나른나른 어질어질 해롱해롱대
뚜루 뚜루루뚜 루루뚜
뚜루 뚜루루뚜 루루뚜
난 즐길래요 이 모든걸
come with me
지겹고 싫어도 여긴 wonderful world
난 즐길래요 이 모든걸 come with me
지겹고 싫어도 여긴 wonderful world
wonderful and beautiful world
Don’t touch me please yeah
wonderful and beautiful world
Don’t touch me please yeah
wonderful and beautiful world
Don’t touch me please yeah
wonderful and beautiful world
Don’t touch me please yeah
물 한잔
나른나른 어질어질 해롱해롱대
몸을 가눌 수가 없어 이거 왜이래
나른나른 어질어질 해롱해롱대
뚜루 뚜루루뚜 루루뚜
뚜루 뚜루루뚜 루루뚜

English Version

A busy and difficult day Is starting
It’s tiring it was tiring
Getting hit being hit got hit
I’ve hit my limit of enduring
One bottle of energy drink doesn’t work
My head is still spinning
Getting stress from the piled up work
Just let both hands go, I’m done

Everybody hands up clench your fists
Shake everything off, drink water and cool off
Everybody hands up open your hands
Forget everything, drink a glass of water
Drowsy drowsy dizzy dizzy going crazy
Can’t keep my balance, what is happening
Drowsy drowsy dizzy dizzy going crazy

If only I go back then just for one day
Not having to change my way of living
It’s difficult but I’ve seen the wonderful world far away
What I need now is a glass of water

Drowsy drowsy dizzy dizzy going crazy
Can’t keep my balance, what is happening
Drowsy drowsy dizzy dizzy going crazy

I’m going to enjoy all of this
Come with me
Even if you’re sick of it, hate it, here is a wonderful world
I’m going to enjoy all of this
Come with me
Even if you’re sick of it, hate it, here is a wonderful world

Wonderful and beautiful world
Don’t touch me please yeah
Wonderful and beautiful world
Don’t touch me please yeah
Wonderful and beautiful world
Don’t touch me please yeah
wonderful and beautiful world
Don’t touch me please yeah

A glass of water
Drowsy drowsy dizzy dizzy going crazy
Can’t keep my balance, what is happening
Drowsy drowsy dizzy dizzy going crazy

Source: http://www.melon.com/song/detail.htm?songId=4743084
Translation Credits: skipfire.tistory.com / @skipfire
Please repost with full credits to source and translator.

[ENG/TRANS] B1A4 5th Mini Album – 잘돼가 (ARE YOU HAPPY?) Lyrics

Hangul Version

어때 너 하는 일은 잘 돼
만난다는 그 남자는 어때
성격이 잘 맞나 봐 말이 통 하나 봐
행복해 보여 네 얼굴 좋아 죽나 봐
전화하면서도 애써
쿨 한 척 끊고 싶은 건 내 전화
아닌 우리 인연이겠지
나도 그럭저럭 잘 살아 아마
예전보단 아니겠지만
그땐 생각나서 전화했어
잘 지내
연락도 안 하고 서운했어
뭐야 너
얼마 전 알았어 그때 그 사람
나만 몰랐었나 봐
잘 돼가
그냥 궁금해서 그랬어 어떻게
내가 그 정도는 물어볼 수 있잖아
네가 생각난 것이 잘못은 아니잖아
그냥 궁금했을 뿐이야 그와 잘 돼
그래 나 아직 나
잊지 못해서 이러는 거야
너와의 좋았던 기억 기억
기억은 고작 한 장의 사진
이제 잊고 싶은 것이 맞아 사실
힘들기도 해 보고 있자니
너는 만족해 웃고 있다니
같은 하늘 아래 다른 곳에
사는 것 같아
매일 생각나서 겁이 났어
연락이 안 돼서 불안했어
이제는 알았어 네가 내 여자
아니란 걸
나만 몰랐었나 봐
그냥 궁금해서 그랬어 어떻게
내가 그 정도는 물어볼 수 있잖아
네가 생각난 것이 잘못은 아니잖아
그냥 궁금했을 뿐이야
그와 잘 돼 가는지가 궁금하지도
않아 이제는 그와
아무렇지 않게 지내는
네가 그냥 미울 뿐이야
내가 아닌 것이 싫을 뿐이야
인정하기 싫은 내 모습이 추할
그냥 너에게 이런 내가 많이
나도 모르게 전화를 걸어
잊혀지긴 싫었어
그냥 궁금해서 그랬어 어떻게
내가 그 정도는 물어볼 수 있잖아
네가 생각난 것이 잘못은 아니잖아
그냥 궁금했을 뿐이야
그와 잘 돼 가는지가
그와 잘 돼 가는지가

English Version

How are you, is your work going well
How’s the guy you are dating
Your personalities must match, you probably can communicate well
You look happy, you must like him a lot
I’m trying hard, even on the phone
The thing you want to break off is probably not the phone call
But our tie
I’m living well, somehow
Of course not as well as last time

I called because I thought of the past
Are you doing well
I was sad because you didn’t bother to contact me
What are you
I found out a while back
That you are dating that person from back then
I guess it was only me who didn’t know
Is everything going well?

I was just curious
About how you are doing
To that extent, I can ask
It’s not a wrongdoing to have thought of you
I was just curious
Whether you were doing well with him

Fine I’m like this
Because I can’t forget
The memories with you
Memory with only one photograph
Honestly now I want to forget you too
I’m looking at you and it’s hard
You’re satisfied and smiling
It feels like we’re living
Under the same sky but a different place

I was scared because you came to my mind everyday
I was worried because I couldn’t contact you
I get it now
That you were never my girl
I guess it was only me who didn’t know

I was just curious
About how you are doing
To that extent, I can ask
It’s not a wrongdoing to have thought of you
I was just curious

Now I’m not even curious whether you’re doing well with him
I just hate you for living your life as if nothing happened
I just dislike that it’s not me
I’m so ugly, refusing to admit to it

Even though I must have been an irritant to you
I called you unknowingly
I didn’t want to forget you

I was just curious
About how you are doing
To that extent, I can ask
It’s not a wrongdoing to have thought of you
I was just curious
Whether you were doing well with him
Whether you were doing well with him

Source: http://www.melon.com/song/detail.htm?songId=4743083
Translation Credits: skipfire.tistory.com / @skipfire
Please repost with full credits to source and translator.